Making Love **

"Hm… this is suitable for beginners." Ronan clicked his tongue. "No-no, you're not ready to do this…"

He kept turning pages after pages with great interest.

"Hey, this position seems quite interesting. Arielle look, this woman helps her partner climax with her own hands!" said the man, who was in a great mood to see the picture that caught his attention.

"Ronan! I'm embarrassed!" said Arielle trying to get away from Ronan, while the man kept bringing the book closer.

"Embarrassed? Aren't you the one who gave me this book? I don't mind practicing all the positions here at all. I thought that's what you want by giving me this book?"

Arielle pursed her lips and lowered her face. Both her hands covered her face. She was utterly embarrassed.

Darn it, Lazarus!

"It's not like that ... I ... uh, I did not choose the gift," she finally said honestly. Her voice was so small that Ronan could barely hear her.