A Touch In The Crowd

The streets of the capital city were getting busier and rows of shops, restaurants, and inns were brightly lit. It welcomed many new customers who came from outside the capital to enjoy the famous summer festival day.

Seeing the girl holding her mother's hand made Arielle remember Sasha.

"Soon it will be night. Sasha doesn't need to come to visit?" asked Arielle, who was worried.

Kael, who was giving his opinion, stopped and looked at William.

"Wait a minute, I'll look outside first. Is Heath back or not."

William then left their meeting room once again. Lazarus stretched his tired body.

"Ah… it's been a long time since I've been playing on a ship. The last pirates I fought were several months ago when my ship visited the Karmin islands," said Lazarus to make the atmosphere of the room more relaxed. Talking about war tactics at the last minute like this was exhausting.