The Aftermath Of War

Arielle couldn't help but smile awkwardly when Tania asked about her condition. Tania almost cried when she saw Arielle's legs were bandaged.

"It just sprained, Tania. In a few days, I will be able to walk normally."

Tania wipes her tears. That's not what made Tania feel sad. She had imagined how painful the princess' legs were when they tried to escape from the incident earlier. And when they met in the park, Tania could see that Arielle was in pain while cold sweat was dripping down on the princess's temples.

"Ronan has given his permission for us to stay here for a few more days until I heal and Sasha's wound gets better," said Arielle comforting Tania who seemed to have no signs of stopping crying.

"Who are you here with?" asked Arielle, trying to distract Tania's attention.