Lovey-Dovey Couple

The carriage lurched across the cobblestoned streets. The further north they went, the darker the sky they passed. Even though they hadn't crossed the border yet, the air was starting to feel cold.

They had left the Ambrose residence. Ronan kidnapped Arielle just like that in front of Archie. Without saying a proper farewell, he put Arielle on his horse and left the Ambrose residence. 

Lucas, Kael, Tania, and Sasha were waiting on the outskirts of the city. Before Arielle arrived from Archie's coronation ceremony, they had already left the castle. Ronan, who had retrieved Arielle, immediately followed the others to continue their journey to the North.

Arielle stuck her hand out at the first snowfall after days spent in Nieverdell. The snowflakes fell right on top of her palms.

"You want to join Sasha on the carriage?" asked Ronan from behind her back. Both of them rode the same horse.