Arielle's Curiosity

"Hm… I'll go after you kiss me," Ronan replied bluntly.

Arielle glanced to the left and to the right. There were several guards standing in the corridor. Ronan was so amused seeing her confused expression. The girl stepped forward, then turned to face him. She touched his shoulder to kiss the man's mask, but their height difference was far enough that her kiss just hung in the air.

Arielle tried to pull Ronan's body several times, but that man remained firmly in place. No matter how high she tipped her toes, her face could only touch the man's neck. Seeing her struggling to give him a kiss, he chuckled.

Arielle gave up and looked at Ronan annoyed.

"Stop teasing me," she scolded him in a whisper, worried if someone would hear her.

"What?" asked Ronan in a clueless tone.

"Didn't you ask for a kiss earlier?"