He Wants To Be Pampered

"I don't have any work tomorrow," Ronan corrected quickly.

"Eh, but didn't-"

"I said I have tomorrow off."

"Ronan," Arielle called to wake the man up.

"Arielle, this is for the last time. Tomorrow is your time to pamper me. This is a royal order," said Ronan firmly with piercing eyes.

Arielle was speechless. She wanted to correct her words, but Ronan gripped her hand tightly. 

"Does this mean I can sleep in your room? Or do you want to sleep in my room?" asked Ronan excitedly.

"Eh-oh?" Arielle's face reddened instantly. "F-for that, I will allow you to rest in my room," replied Arielle shyly.

Ronan immediately brought his face closer so that their noses touched each other.

"Does this mean our agreement is canceled?" he asked in a seductive tone.

"Not really," replied Arielle, making Ronan even more confused.

"I am only thinking of taking care of you, so you can sleep soundly. Not just one hour of sleep."