Lazarus's Side Of The Story

"Where do you want to talk?" Arielle asked.

"How about in the Cathedral?" 

"Sure," Arielle replied, agreeing to the man's wish.

The two of them walked side by side towards the Cathedral. Through the road from inside the palace, they arrived at the blessing hall and Lazarus took Arielle to the front seat.

For Arielle, the cathedral was not a new place. Out of the four pillars of Northendell, Arielle often met Lazarus here. Kael, William, and Ronan hardly ever visited the blessing hall.

Lazarus sat beside her with his back bent. The man looked exhausted. Arielle took the initiative to pat his back gently, trying to give him strength so that Lazarus would get his spirit back.

Maybe on usual days, Lazarus' hyperactivity often overwhelmed her, but now, seeing Lazarus' dejected expression made Arielle sad too. This poor man didn't look like the Lazarus that Arielle knew.

"So, what do you want to say?" Arielle asked gently.