Sasha's Hunch

"Do you know the reason I summoned you?"

Viscount Ferdi, who had been lowering his head, nodded weakly. Cathy wept softly beside him, feeling embarrassed and regretful. She certainly did not intend to abandoned her children. However, at that time, she had no choice.

Cathy had to put Sasha in an orphanage because she thought Sasha would still be able to eat in that place. If Sasha went with her, then the boy would starve every day.

And the second incident happened again. The fear in the past still haunted her, so Cathy sent her child to Lazarus because she thought Lazarus was a wealthy person who would raise her child with a lot of money. 

Cathy told them everything with tears flowing on her cheeks. Arielle wiped her tears, feeling sad because she could understand how it felt to not be able to eat. What Cathy did was wrong, but the woman had no choice but to do it.