Envy Of Aimee


"Your Majesty, it is a pleasure to see you again after such a long time."

"I didn't think you would change so much."

"Well, at least this way no one will call me fat-Aimee again, right?" Aimee asked, making Ronan chuckle.

"Please, sit down," Ronan said, inviting Aimee to sit on the couch.

Ronan also asked Arielle to sit on the single-couch where he always sat when receiving guests. Meanwhile, he chose to sit on the arm of the couch that Arielle occupied.

"How are you?" Ronan asked.

"I am doing well. How about you, Your Majesty? I heard you were sick a few days ago. Ronan D. Blackthorn could be sick too, huh?"

Ronan laughed loudly. Arielle didn't expect Ronan to laugh like that with someone else. Maybe it was because Aimee was Kael's younger sister, and they had known each other long enough that Ronan didn't have to put on his cold attitude anymore.

"I'm fine. I heard from Kael you ran away from home, eh?"