Kiss And Punch

(An hour ago)

Lazarus took a slow sip of his drink. He stared at his drink keenly. He had a hard time following Aimee and Dylan's conversation. There was nothing he could do but play with the drinks and listen to their stories.

Lazarus was quite sensitive when both Dylan and Aimee try to avoid some sensitive topics from him, such as Aimee's real reason for going to the academy and Aimee's childhood because Lazarus knows for sure they didn't want Lazarus to know about the grave mistake he had made in the past.

Lazarus had never been hurt this deep before. He wanted to join in the conversation, but he realized that it would only irritate Aimee more. Even though they went to the same academy and studied from the same teacher, Lazarus couldn't be on the same frequency as Dylan and Aimee.