Time To Get Up **

After making love non-stop for hours, Ronan let Arielle rest. Even though his desire had not been fully fulfilled yet, Ronan tried to control himself, considering that Arielle also needed to rest because she must be tired after going through their long wedding procession.

A smile was etched on his lips. Whenever Ronan realized that he and Arielle were husband and wife now, he always smiled. He looked proudly at the ring around his hand. 

(I need sleep too) He said in his head.

Ronan hugged Arielle's body tighter and buried his face between Arielle's chest again.


Arielle slept very soundly. She had a dream about Lord Otis' warning not to let Ronan mark and not to tell anyone of his whereabouts, including Ronan. Her dream felt so fast because after that Arielle didn't remember anything. She slept like she passed out.