The Bad Hunch

"Can I touch him?" Arielle asked for permission.

"N-no, Your Majesty. His heat is very high. I am afraid it will hurt you."

Arielle smiled reassuringly at the mother, and she touched the baby's forehead. She jolted in surprise. The child's body temperature was not normal. Arielle took the mother to see one of the doctors who was examining a young man's leg, which was sprained and injured from running from the rubble. 

After he finished applying the bandages, the doctor checked the child's condition and frowned. He checked the child's pulse and oral cavity.

"Has this child been exposed to the cold for a long time?" the doctor asked the mother.

"I- I think so. What's wrong, doctor? Did something happen to my son?" the mother asked frantically.

"It's possible that this boy is opening the mana flow in his body. We have to meet one of the priests!"