Finally, After The 238th Try

Arielle followed Otis' instructions. After feeling a soft curtain fall from her eyes, she nodded her head.

"Now put the name of your favorite fruit in your head and Luffy will guess it."

Arielle nodded in understanding. Luffy closed his eyes, then opened his head. He looked at Arielle right in the eye. "Frostberry," he replied.

Arielle gasped, making Otis laugh.

"Try again, Arielle. You have to master that first. We're just going to the next stage."

Arielle nodded and started imagining a name, and Luffy easily guessed the name she had in mind. The two of them continued to practice until without them both knowing a huge red dragon came.

"Otis!" called Xieno with a booming voice, making Arielle and Luffy stop the training. Luffy immediately covered his head so that Xieno could not read his mind, which was full of fear of the man.

"Yes, Xieno?"

"Go back to the palace. I need my lunch," said Xieno who then flew back into the sky.