Arielle Meets The Werewolf Clan

Arielle was sitting with Maxieno and several other dragons. Otis didn't join them because Maxieno knew well that Otis would never agree to his plan. The old man always thought that every matter was negotiable, but for Maxieno this was the perfect time to attack the werewolf clan.

Using the excuse that one of their clan members had entered his territory and tried to steal the dragon egg, Maxieno would not spare the wolf clan like the previous clan leader. He would drive them far beyond the borders to make them realize that only the dragon clan ruled on Birwick Mountain.

Amadea was long dead, and no one could save Birwick Mountain. No one was more worthy of guarding Birwick Mountain other than the Dragon Clan. Birwick Mountain's guardian status was rightfully his. Amadea was too weak, and the Sun God had made a mistake in choosing Amadea as the guardian of Birwick Mountain.