King Arthur And Princess Irene

"Arielle? Are you sure you're not hallucinating?" he asked after recovering from his shock. 

Arielle shook her head. Ronan also shook his head for a different reason. He tried to deny what Arielle had just said. His sister and father were still alive? Of course, that was impossible! His father had obviously died a long time ago! Kael and his father were the witnesses! As for his sister… even though she was covered in blood, Ronan was sure it was his sister!

"Ronan, I was also very surprised when I saw them, but your father—"

Ronan stood up, cutting Arielle's words. The man then walked towards his office window.

"It's impossible. No matter how much I think about it, there is no logical reason for them to live. I saw Irene's corpse, which was full of wounds. Kael! Didn't all of you burn my father back then?!" Ronan asked in a high tone.