Explanation On How Women Bodies Works

"It means… Aimee also experienced it?" asked Kael.

"Yes, your sister also experienced it. Usually, within a month, Aimee will tell me when she has her period, and I will tell her to rest more. I know, as a fellow woman, that working from morning to evening in that phase of the cycle is the most uncomfortable thing."

Ronan held his chin in thought. His wife was the same. Arielle often refused his invitations when the girl was experiencing her menstrual cycles. Arielle was always open about these things to him. Even though he was ashamed at first, knowing how a woman's body works made Ronan know better how to treat his wife.

"When it's like that, women are much more sensitive. I suggest, don't make them angry or annoyed. Do not impose your will. Provide them lots of warm water because it will hurt a lot. In some cases, some people faint because they can't stand the pain," said Arielle, explaining what they shouldn't do to menstruating women.