Virginal white

Charis trembled. Why did this hurt so much? Should she even be surprised? Who was she to even think that she could be with him? His father was right, he needed a woman that could be there for him in bed, someone that knew how to please a man. Even beyond that, could she really be the kind of woman to be beside a man like him? 

Not only was she beyond clueless she couldn't, wouldn't stoop so low... She knew he deserved someone that could be who he needed, he must have a lot of women warming his beds at night. 

The tears felt like acid streaming down her face. It hurt even more because although he was acting like such a tool she couldn't hate him. It was almost impossible to because he somehow appeared almost perfect to her. Was it because she had fallen in love with him? Was she really in love with him? This was beyond the fact that she loved him but the entire idea of love was not something she was common with yet here she stood in love with this man.