All that is good

The last time Sebastian left his father's house he was eighteen, barely legal, and on his own. It happened to all of them that way, when they were old enough to get arrested his father would give them a business as they got into college. It was a test to see if they could handle money and a business. But unlike the rest of his brothers Sebastian never returned, not that it was a surprise, he always made it clear how uninterested he was in the family business. For years and years his father let him be, after all, he was the most successful of his three brothers but that might also have been because he didn't go back, anyhow he sent back profitable streams of money and income so his father let him play. As the old man liked to call it.

Now there was no way he would escape it, he was the second son of the family and his elder brother had died leaving all of the burden and the family weight on his shoulders. He did not want it, his stance had not changed yet he had no choice.