Brian carried her in arms on placed on the cushion, he was good at showing affection and her stay here pissed him off. He walked up to the fridge and got chilled water. Perhaps this would jerk her out of dream land to reality, his phone rang, and he smirked at the line while flipping it to the desk. He paced to () who seemed half asleep since he could see her haven those balls of hers. Brian grimaced as he opened the bottle attempting to pour her, and she yanked up, fluttering her lashes like a butterfly. How did jimmy get to fall for this drama queen who had pride written over her? He hated being controlled, but he just had to adhere to get what he needed. She folded her knees against her chest nervously as she swallowed at him. There was silence between them as usual, no one willing to speak up.

"Are you going to kill me?".