"Goodbye" Brian muttered to the old lady while running after Julie who was swinging her head in anger. He guessed his locket dropped in her pockets, which was vital to him.

"Julie!" He called in a deep tone, but her ears were covered with pods, and she was a distance away from the apartment, heading for the crosswalk. Brian groaned while increasing in his speed to get to the mindless lady. At last, the athlete reached its target and widen his hand at her. Julie's eyes were lowered when she found Brian right in front of her.

"You have my locket on you" he said as his eyes glanced at her bust.

"I doubt so" she responded, attempting to walk away, but he stopped her once again. Brian pointed his finger to her bust and she scoffed furiously.

"Oh my, you're such a pervert! Get lost" she barked.

"Give me what is mine"