I folded my lips not to utter a word to him, he widened his eyes at me as though trying to diagnose something. He placed his palm on my neck and his warm touch got me riled. What was he intending to do with me? In a hast, he sways my head to the left and traced his fingers down my neck. I felt pain there, perhaps, that might be the remote! His eyes met with mine again. Oh! how I hated him the more, mostly when he wasn't speaking. I cursed his generations in my heart for what he was making me pass through not forgetting his damn family, he was never going to meet them.

"Why don't you just give me to the bidder now? The sight of you makes me Madden!" Absolutely, I couldn't resist the urge to speak. He scoffed at me and muttered.

"You have to be completed, lady"

"What's that?" I asked with probing eyes.

"You're smart enough to figure it out" he beckoned, gazing at his watch.