His silent gaze and heavy heart made him look sick, his reasons for leaving the old place were only known to him. He fumed inside as he dragged his legs to his room, where one could hardly find him when visiting. Brian stared at the lamp that stood on his bed, he groaned at it and picked it up to dump somewhere else when the lights came on. The first person's imagine that appeared before him was Julie.

"Go away" he said in a low tone as though annoyed over something that she did.

"Why?" She asked, gazing at him while walking around the room.

"I hate your silence, Brian, is there any mission today? Let's go" Julie beckoned seductively.

"Go away Julie… I don't want to see you"

"Did I do something wrong?" She pressed, climbing onto the bed and laying down.

"Get off!" He barked, attempting to take her down. Her eyes met the lamp on the bed, and she smiled.