Arriving home with a weary face wasn't something to worry about for Lucy even though he didn't inform her where he was heading to but she had her speculations around Julie. Perhaps he must have figured out she was alive, she was standing by the doorstep, startled and staggering in his steps. Once he got to her, she could perceive his body smelt of alcohol, so definitely he went off driving.

"Brian! I thought you quit?" She scolded and he swallowed with dim eyes as he seemed like one who wasn't hearing a bit of what she was saying. He almost fell because he missed a step but lucy held him and he rested his head on her shoulder while laughing suddenly.

"She said my name" he exclaimed and then sneezed.

"But he wouldn't let me go close to her" he furthered raising his head as his tottering legs hardly stood well. Now she could see why he went on drinking and she muttered;

"Let's go in". Brian gasped and gazed at the moon which was bright on this snow night.