I Must Have Been Tricked

As soon as Jiang Luoyu finished speaking, Yun Lige and Fang Tianyuan had already pounced forward from both sides.

The two of them attacked continuously. They attacked with their Martial Monarch Realm cultivation techniques and instantly destroyed Xiao Bei's advantage, forcing him to retreat repeatedly.

Xiao Bei was so furious that he almost vomited blood. He could clearly sense that when Jiang Luoyu spoke just now, he seemed to have lost something.

Originally, he did not think it through. However, when Yun Lige and Fang Tianyuan attacked him at the same time, Xiao Bei suddenly understood.

He understood what it was that he lost!

It was luck.

He realized that as long as these people praised him, he would lose a portion of his luck. As a result, his attack that should have been successful in the battle became useless. Instead of obtaining the upper hand, he fell into a disadvantage.