Peace! World Peace!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several explosions enveloped Lu Xiaoran.

Space was constantly distorted and shattered. The black hole in the void swallowed everything, including the shock wave of the explosion.

Although this destructive aura did not spread more aftershocks, it actually made it even more terrifying.

Bells had already sounded in the Imperial City. The cultivators were all frantically retreating in another direction of the Imperial City, afraid that the Imperial City's defensive formation would shatter and the shock wave would devour them.

The Imperial Family experts in the Imperial City looked at this battle with fear.

"Is this a battle between Supreme Realm experts? Isn't it too terrifying? The force of this attack will probably immediately turn us into dust if we are to come into contact with it."

"Can Senior Lu withstand such a powerful attack?"

Everyone's hearts beat extremely quickly, and their blood flowed rapidly.