Jie School Is In Chaos. I Want the Gods to Disappear

"Perfect. Ever since Dao Ancestor Hongjun announced the sixth tribulation, Golden Ao Island has been hiding like a turtle."

"That Lu Xiaoran is even more of a coward. Today, Jie School will come out of seclusion. It just so happens that we can kill them all. "

"That's right! Kill to your heart's content and let Jie School know how powerful our Chan School is."

Just as everyone spoke, an oppressive light suddenly shot down from the black cloud.

The moment they sensed this light, the expressions of the entire Golden Cloud Sect changed drastically.

"What a powerful attack!"


In the next second, this attack landed straight on the square of the Golden Cloud Sect. In an unstoppable manner, it instantly exploded in the middle of the Golden Cloud Sect.

A mushroom cloud soared into the sky. What was even more terrifying was that the shock wave spread and killed countless Golden Cloud Sect disciples with low cultivation on the spot!