New Students

Richard and Nicholas walked straight into the school building, and Nicholas knew for sure he was going to get sprayed by his sports teacher.

"I'm going to be kicked out of the team this time," Nicholas said, lowering his head as the two walked through the halls of the school building to head to class.

"Hey, calm down; you know Mr. Douglas is always like that. So I think you should calm yourself down first. Don't think too much of something weird." Richard said, tapping Nicholas's shoulder; he was trying to calm Nicholas's unsettled feelings.

How can I calm down? At this moment, it was my first match, but I didn't come on time. And Richard told me that the match was over 15 minutes ago. Nicholas's inner grumbling.

Nicholas feels this is a re-curse in his life because he was just about to show that he is useful to those around him, but it doesn't feel like it's something to pay attention to now.

Because they won't believe what Nicholas says.

As the two of them walked through the halls of the classroom, there was a group of the girls' gang that had become so popular in this school.

All eyes were on the woman in the middle of the line; she walked leisurely while tossing her blonde hair while casting an extraordinary charm in front of all those looking at her.

A woman with a body that is so sexy, and has assets of such large breasts, deserves to be the center of attention at this time in the gang. She was one of the sons of the richest businessman in Ohio. Everyone didn't dare to oppose it when she was dressed sexier than the others; her smooth thighs were visible as she slowly stepped in front of them all.

Her lips are so thick with the rosy red lipstick that she uses it manages to make anyone who sees it want to touch those lips.

She is Alexa, the woman who made this school's most sensational gang. She is always very enthusiastic if there is a new female student who has the potential to be invited into her gang.

And now she's walking with a girl who has curly black hair; the look in her eyes is perfect when I look at her. Her thin lips have managed to distract me from her; her clothes are all black with fairly high heels, and she walks so gracefully in front of them all who are now watching her.

Nicholas doesn't think he recognizes the woman who is now walking to the left of Alexa.

Nicholas quickly turned his gaze toward where Richard was. But it turned out to be the same when he looked in the direction where Richard was; Richard's eyes didn't break at all from seeing.

The sexiest girl in his school. 

"Shhh... Shhh..." Nicholas coded for Richard so he could look at Nicholas because now his attention couldn't be separated from looking at the woman to the left of Alexa.

Since Richard wasn't looking at Nicholas, he quickly pushed Richard away so he could look at Nicholas.

"Ouch, what the hell!" Richard grumbled in annoyance when Nicholas did that. He gave a sign with his eyes and right eyebrow raised, indicating that Richard recognized the woman who was now walking to the left of Alexa.

But before he had time to tell Nicholas who the woman was, Richard smiled with a very strange look at Nicholas when Nicholas was curious about the woman.

"You must be curious, don't worry, I've known it since yesterday!" Richard said while smiling evilly at Nicholas when Richard already knew the name of the girl Nicholas was showing him.

But now his gaze suddenly shifted again when Alexa walked in front of him. Not only was Richard distracted, but Nicholas also watched without blinking as the girl he asked now looked at him, their gazes locked together as she slowly walked past him.

"Hi, Alexa. You are so beautiful today," Richard said while stunned when Alexa walked right in front of him, and when Alexa heard those words from Richard, she slowly turned her head to Richard.

Richard, who saw that Alexa stopped and turned to him, could tell that his heart must have stopped beating by now.

Moreover, suddenly Alexa slowly approached where Richard was, then she gave Richard a flying kiss from the palm of her hand.

Richard, who got the code, immediately saw so many heart shapes in his head. And at that moment, he suddenly fell and couldn't hold his legs so weak.

"You cheap boy! Come on, girls, let's go!!" Alexa said arrogantly, leaving Richard, who collapsed due to his charm.

Nicholas, who saw this, did not pay attention to what Alexa said because he noticed the woman on her left, who had been looking at Nicholas for a long time as he was looking at her, with her gaze locked for so long.

It felt like Nicholas's neck was about to break when he looked without turning his head at the woman. By the time she had disappeared from his sight, Nicholas quickly rushed in the direction where Richard was.

"Are you all right?" Nicholas asked worriedly when he saw him just silent with his eyes so blankly ahead, and now he was also the center of attention of the students in this hallway.

Nicholas quickly hit him on the shoulder and woke him, who was daydreaming incoherently.

Richard was surprised when Nicholas did that; he immediately expressed on his face that he was so happy when he got a flying kiss from Alexa.

"I think I'll have to masturbate now," he said so bluntly that he was the center of attention again by the children in the hall.

Nicholas quickly picked him up and took him to class. And without him realizing, it turned out that his masculine assets had hardened so perfectly. Nicholas can see it because the mound looks so real under his pants.

"Seriously, Richard? Your assets are standing, bitch!" Nicholas grumbled at him, taking him to the bathroom because there was no way Nicholas could take him to class in that state.

He looks so helpless; his eyes can't focus on looking ahead; it's like he imagines beautiful things with Alexa.

That's why Nicholas decided to take him to the bathroom so he could finish his must-to-do first.

"You insolent Richard just embarrassed me in the hallway!" Nicholas grumbled to him as he sat Richard on the toilet seat in the bathroom.

"Don't worry; I'll tell you her name!"

Looking ahead, he said blankly that he had tucked his right hand into his pants, and it was time for Nicholas to escape from that place.

Nicholas immediately closed the bathroom door hard and he waited to get out; the handwashing area was in front of the bathroom.

"Ahhhh Yess... Alexa... Keep it up ahhh!!!"

Nicholas closed his eyes and heard Richard sigh joyfully as he played with his masculine assets. It was as if he enjoyed the game he was playing.

Nicholas decided to cover his ears so as not to be polluted by the sound of Richard.

For almost ten minutes, he did the ritual in the bathroom; then, he slowly laughed to himself.

"Hahaha, it tastes so good. Don't you want to try it!" He said from behind the toilet.

"You bastard, I won't do it!" Nicholas replied with a slight laugh the moment Richard said that.

"Oh yeah, her name is Emily, Emily Blunt."

Richard said, which immediately made Nicholas pause for a moment.

Emily Blunt. Such a beautiful name, just like the look on her face.

Nicholas smiled slightly as he looked at the mirror in front of him.