The Full Moon

[60% Bite Adjustment, With His Body-Determination]



Nicholas opened his eyes quickly when he heard a strange vibration sound in his ear.

His eyes opened, but he still hadn't risen from his sleep. The lazy feeling always reserves it when the morning solar has peered behind the window. He tried to make sure that the sound had stopped because for almost two minutes he was just silent, but the vibration sound was no longer heard in his ear. He decided to close his eyes back, continuing his delayed break.


But just a few seconds he closed his eyes, suddenly the vibration sound reappeared. He could hear it very clearly, and of course, it made him uncomfortable with the sound.


He still didn't get up from his sleep, but instead covered his ear with a pillow beside him. Without ensuring first he was where.

"What's this sound!!!!"

He was lying to himself when the pillow had covered his ears, but he could still hear the sound. It seems that the vibration sound is in his head right now.




Nicholas shouted strongly, throwing the pillow he used to cover his ears before. And the pillow he threw succeeded in Richard who was still asleep so soundly on the gray sofa, who was in his room, waking up instantly.

"Hah, what? I don't sleep right! Well... I don't sleep... what time is this?"

He stood up firmly, walked slowly towards the spring bed occupied by Nicholas, and certainly Nicholas who saw it immediately surprised and just kept quiet because he just realized if he wasn't in his room.

His eyes looked around to absorb the entire room he occupied now.

With a strange look, he looked at the man who was now walking staggered at him, with his eyes still closed.

"Woi, Richard!" Nicholas yelled at Richard in a fairly high tone, so that the man could be fully aware.

"Hah... what? What's wrong?" Richard who was surprised immediately opened his eyes wide, then looked towards where Nicholas was.

"Eeum Hai Nicholas, good morning..." he said in a so strange tone, scratching the head of the back.

"How come I can sleep in your room?" Nicholas asked confused at Richard who was still trying to gather his life completely.

"Ah yes, last night you fell asleep and can't be woken up, so I decided to take you to my house," Richard answered while yawning.

"Ahh, so we skip today. Parental summons, maybe it will come a week to our house," Nicholas answered by giving an expression of an annoyed face.


"Hey, what's the sound... so annoying, from before I can't close my eyes because of these sounds," Nicholas complained by looking around him to ensure the existence of the sound of the vibration.

"If I found it, I must have been slammed from earlier." He added.

Richard immediately widened his eyes when he heard it from Nicholas.

"What's the sound?" Richard replied while looking around him.

"Deaf you, huh? The sound of this vibration, from earlier it bothered me, you didn't hear?" Nicholas answered while rising from his bed and then decided to get off the mattress he occupied.

"Which there are! I don't hear it at all!" Richard answered rather annoyed.

But soon after, his eyes widened wide, when he just realized if Nicholas said he heard a 'vibe'.

"What did you say? You hear what sound?" Richard asked once again to make sure to the men in front of him now.

"Well, the faster the sound!!! try listening slowly!!! What vibration sound is this!" He replied while looking around again.

Richard immediately looked at the pocket he was wearing, he knew that since earlier the cellphone he put in his pants pocket indeed trembled. And it is the alarm he made so as not to sleep.

Slowly Richard reached into his pants pocket, then took his cellphone, and he immediately turned off the alarm.

[Done alarm turn off]

After he turned off the alarm, suddenly Nicholas looked at him.

"Well, right, the sound is gone. It's really strange..." he said as he walked back to the bed he had stayed before, then buried his body back on the spring bed.

Richard was still glued not to move at all when he just realized if the vibration sound meant by Nicholas, was the vibration sound on Richard's cellphone.

Where the distance they are both quite far apart, but it is not possible if Nicholas can hear the vibration sound.

'Damn It! I have to do something! '

Richard who realized if he knew something, quickly came out of his room and headed towards the living room, he opened the drawer that was at his deceased work desk and took handcuffs in the drawer.

And he headed back to his room, looking in the direction where Nicholas was.

He looked as if his best friend was fast asleep again, but he was so worried at this time.

Because he remembers if today is the day where the full moon will shine brightly.

Richard had planned everything, he locked all the windows of his room and made sure if it couldn't be opened in the usual way. Because he locked one by one from three windows in his room.

Not forgetting he also prepared, the key to his room.

He looked at the wall clock in his room, showing 12:35 pm. Even though during that time, Nicholas was also still asleep.

But Richard decided to stay near the door of his room.


Almost half a day he just sat in the same place, and he now looked towards the same wall clock, "At six o'clock at night, I think this is the right time,"

Richard immediately approached where Nicholas was still asleep all day. Then with no further ado, he handcuffed Nicholas's right hand and he hooked it at his iron bed.

Nicholas, who had previously fallen asleep, suddenly woke up instantly.

"Hey what's this!" He asked confused when he found out if his right hand was handcuffed at the foot of the iron bed he occupied.


Nicholas screamed fast when his friend asked him but was not answered by him.

Richard jumped instantly when he heard the snapping from his best friend.

"It's for your goodness, believe me!" Richard answered as he stepped back, then he quickly came out of his room and closed the door of his room, then locked it.

"Woi Richard, release me!!! Why did you do this to me!!!"

There was a shouting sound from inside his room, but Richard could only be quiet behind the door of his room.


[80% Bite Adjustment, With His Body-Determination]


"Richard, please me, why all my bodies suddenly became hot!!! Richard!!!" Nicholas complained to Richard in a tone of voice so slowly, but Richard could hear it.

He looked at the window on his right, that the full moon had emerged from behind a cloud.


"Richard!! Help me, what's happening to me!!!"

Richard can only be silent, behind the door without a voice at all. Luckily, his mother was going to his grandmother's house tonight. So in the house, there was only him and Nicholas.

"Richard... Grrr Rwwrrrrr!!"


Richard's eyes immediately widened wide, when he heard the sounds.