Richard Kissing (18+)

The room fell silent for an instant after the unexpected happened, the two of them sat on the bed that was in the room, and when Roran gently stroked the back of the hand of the man next to him, the look on his face was so peaceful at the moment. could grasp and gently caress the hand of the man next to him.

Because of his desire to be able to do this to the man next to him, it makes him so happy when he can do it now. Although Roran was also worried at the sight of Richard still not fully returning to his usual expression. Because Richard's face still looks so pale, scared because of what just happened.

Richard was just silent when the man next to him gently stroked the back of his right hand and clasped his hands together several times for quite a long time.

It could be said that Richard was still in shock by what had just happened. He just kept quiet as the man next to him gripped his hand tightly trying to calm him down.