Ethan Goes To School

The three of them walked together towards the classroom because their first lesson was about to start in a few minutes.

Richard and Nicholas decided to enter the classroom first because Ethan had to wait outside before entering the classroom, there would be an introduction session before Ethan took today's lesson.

"The two of us went to class first, okay? Later when you've been called by the teacher who came in the first session, you just go in and do as we planned last night!" Nicholas said to Ethan before he finally entered with Richard. Ethan just nodded his head understanding what Nicholas had just said.


[10 Hours Before]

[Cave - Roran Lives - Discuss]


[Open door]

All eyes immediately looked in the direction where the voice came from, when the door in the living room opened slowly, the eyes of the three of them immediately looked in the direction where the door was.