A Pack!

Roran nodded his head in understanding of what Nicholas had just explained because hearing Nicholas' lengthy explanation, made Roran realize that what Nicholas said was reasonable.

"Thank you, because after you told me how you felt, I realized everything. Maybe if you didn't come clean and tell me about it, I don't know what I did to you, because I'm sure it will hurt you so much." Roran said while trying to give his best smile to Nicholas who was currently next to him.

"Yeah, it's okay, I understand your condition. So don't be too shy with me about anything, because we are a flock that needs to support each other." Nicholas Said with a smile to Roran, Nicholas also gave a warm hug to Roran next to him, Roran gently gave the man's back a strengthening.

When they saw that Nicholas and Roran had made up and embraced each other, Ethan and Richard decided to move closer to where they were.