Exhausting Time

Laura was silent for a moment as all those memories flashed back into her mind, speechless by a coincidence that happened before her eyes.

Can't believe it but that's how it is, Nicholas is confused when his mother just doesn't say a word.

"Mom? Are you all right?" Nicholas asked.

Laura gasped from her long daydream when suddenly a hand gently tapped her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered looking in all directions, and looked to the right when she realized that the tap was from her son,

"Is mom all right?" Nicholas asked his mother again.

"Ah, of course, I'm fine. Hmmm, maybe just tired," Laura replied with a forced smile at Nicholas.

"Ah, yes, you rather just rest, it's late in the morning. I'm also going to my room to rest," Nicholas said with a smile. "Need Nico to accompany you?" Nicholas asked.

"Ah, don't worry dear, you go straight to your room," replied Laura.

"Oh, okay fine, good night ma'am!"

"Good night dear," Laura said.