The Past...

[Ten years ago]

[Jessica first met Rocky]

[Ohio City]


One day in the city park, a 16-year-old boy was seen busy looking for something that was missing.

"Bella, where are you?" Rocky said while scratching the back of his head, his eyes scanning the entire area of ​​the park to find his favorite cat.

It's been almost 2 hours, Rocky is looking for his lost cat in the area around the Park. Because earlier when he permitted his parents to take Bella for a walk in the park, he promised to come home exactly 1 hour before dinner.

Bella is an angora pet cat who was recently bought and adopted by the Lambert family. Because Rocky intended to invite the cat, who had just been at his house for a week, not to be bored. He took her for a walk in the park.

But unfortunately the unexpected happened to him. Her cat named Bella was released from the rope tied around her neck when the cat saw a dog approaching her.