Entire Clan Gathering

This is the most sacred day for all the Clans residing in the city of Ohio. Because this is the only day they can all gather in one place without any bloodshed between Clans and Clans.

Although it cannot be justified whether it will indeed happen or not. Because with all the Clans gathered in that forbidden forest, there must be one of the Clans who might be planning something petty.

What is meant is to betray an agreement or change the agreement that has been agreed upon by all clans.

They had all gathered in one place, with their respective positions gathered with their respective clans. Each clan is 5 meters away from the rest of the clan, just in case something happens.

Even though it was told from the start that there would be no bloodshed, each of the leaders of their respective clans still had to be on guard to protect their team.