Invitation From Elliot

The morning was so bright it was time for them to go to school. Nicholas had been ready since this morning to go to school. Because the three of them can't skip school for no apparent reason.

Surely the teacher will also be suspicious of what Nicholas and his friends are doing.

"Is this guy always like this? Sleeps so soundly and is not disturbed at all, when I prepare my school equipment! He should also get ready to go to school soon." Nicholas said while shaking his head, he smiled faintly when he saw Ethan was still fast asleep.

Richard who was still in his room was also ready to go to school. Deliberately did not wake his lover who was still sleeping soundly in his bed.

"Okay, and the fact is I haven't slept at all. Hopefully, the lessons at school will go well!" Richard muttered as he grabbed his backpack and rushed out of his room.