Alfred Goes Crazy With Strength


Everyone's eyes widened instantly when they saw the white danger bubble that enveloped Emily's body moving wider than the previous radius of only 6 meters.

And that's when the entire hunting team surrounding the white light bubble disappeared instantly. Nearly 40 more hunting teams melted away when exposed to the white light bubble.

Roger fell silent for a moment, kneeling limply looking in the direction where Emily was. Currently, he and his four teams are very far from that place.

But Roger can still see with certainty the situation that is in front of him at this time.

Surprisingly Alfred saw this, instead, he smiled broadly when his team melted away before him.

"How could that guy be that evil sacrificing nearly 40 of his team Just To stop Emily's glowing bubble," Nicholas said while shaking his head in disbelief if it turns out that the leader of the hunting team seems to have a very high psychopathic spirit.