Contacting Someone

The explosion in mid-air caught the attention of the 20 hunters currently hiding in the trees.

They looked in the direction of the source of the sound and saw a bright blue flash of light strike the senior hunter from Egypt.


A loud and shrill scream escaped the lips of the senior hunter from Egypt when the shield he made using the sand he controlled was successfully breached by Rocky.

Kamran who was hit by the attack right on his left chest immediately fell unconscious and fell hard on the ground. As for Rocky, who just used his power to attack Kamran, he immediately hides hoping that no other hunter sees that it is his power.

"I hope they don't find out that I just knocked out that senior hunter from Egypt!" Rocky muttered while catching his breath, he hid behind a big tree.

For the first time, Rocky used the forbidden power, making him a bit tired because he had never trained this power to be able to adapt more to himself.