A Cave Guarded by a Witch

The six of them had arrived at a cave hidden in the forest. Of course, Jessica found the place. 

Because her smell is so extraordinary, it makes Jessica easily find the place where Nicholas and his friends were before.

But Jessica doesn't know exactly who the Werewolf they're looking for right now is.

"I think the werewolf is in this cave!" Jessica said while looking at the cave in front of her.

"And he's not alone, there are some of his friends who are in this cave too! But I can feel it faintly because it feels like there is something strange about this cave!" Jessica said adding when she felt something strange was in the cave.

Hearing what Jessica had just said, of course, Rocky was surprised to hear that. It turned out that there were several people in the cave. Either Ordinary Humans or other supernatural beings who are in the cave.