Getting Room (18+)

Rocky, Jessica, and the others are busy trying to find a way out of the cave. Because after the five of them entered the cave, they were confused to find a way out that led the five of them to a place.

It's been almost an hour since the five of them just circled in the cave. For every cave passage they searched, the result was always the same. They will return at the Middle crossroads in the cave.

"Are we being toyed with?" Said annoyance while looking at the surrounding area, because it had been more than an hour they couldn't find a way out at all to go to a place that led them to find someone who killed Alfred.

"Undoubtedly, from the very beginning, this cave has a magic of its own," Jessica replied to what Rocky had just said, Jessica also tried to carefully examine the area around her to find out what was going on in the cave.