The Killer Wolves!

Jessica looked panicked when a pack of wolves approached the direction where they were, and of course, it surprised Rocky. Because our vampires are so afraid of wolves?

Rocky looked at Jessica and Jessica's three students who now looked so scared when they saw a pack of wolves approaching them.

"Hey, are you guys okay? Why be afraid of wolves? They're just wolves right?" Rocky said while looking confusedly at Jessica and her three students.

But Jessica and the three students shook their heads, with faces that were so scared. They tried to climb Higher than the tree they were currently in.

"No! They are no ordinary wolves! They are wolves killer!" Jessica replied in a frightened tone when she saw a pack of wolves had gathered under her.

"A wolf killer? What do you mean?" Rocky asked Jessica confusedly, to get more accurate information about the killer wolf that Jessica was referring to.