They Also Know



By the time I had completely transformed into a werewolf form, their eyes widened instantly and they didn't say anything when they saw my different form than before.

As soon as they saw me transform into a werewolf, Roran and Ethan rushed toward me. They both looked so disbelieving when they saw my bright red eyes.

"No way! How could that be? Did you kill any of the Alphas you've met before?" Roran asked as he looked me in the eye very closely.

"No... I didn't kill any of them!" I answered quickly when Roran had just thought that I killed one of the Alphas who had met in the forbidden forest.

"Then what happened? Why are you suddenly getting red in your eyes!" Ethan chimed in curiously looking at me with a piercing gaze.

Finally, I told the five of them who were so curious about what had just happened to me. The six of us headed to a more shady place where I could talk more comfortably.