Healing Lukas



London slowly opened the door to Lukas' room, and at the same time, Brandon, Lukas, and Lara immediately looked in the direction where the two of us were.

I slowly entered Lukas's room and smiled faintly at the three on the bed. I saw that Lukas's condition might not be so good after using his power to save Kim's life.

"What do you two need here?" Lara immediately asked the question to the two of us who had just entered Lukas's room; of course, it made me smile and look at Lara.

"Of course, to visit Lukas. Can't I see him?" I said while smiling lopsidedly at Lara, and in that second, Lara suddenly lowered her head as if she didn't dare to look at me.

"Nicholas, control yourself!" London whispered to me as I answered Lara's question.

"So what?" I asked London confused.

Without answering what I had just asked him, London suddenly turned around and asked me to look in the mirror.