The Coming of the Leader



I immediately looked in the direction where London. London, injured by the claws of one of the werewolves, is unconscious.

I immediately ran towards him to see how he was.

"London, wake up!" I said while gently patting London's cheek a few times, but he didn't answer my call.

"We have to call Lukas immediately! So that London can get first aid from him!" Brandon said as he rushed to pick up London's body.

I nodded my head in agreement with what Brandon said because right now, what London needed was first aid from Lukas.

Brandon ran while carrying London's limply, limp body; I followed behind while monitoring the situation around me.

When I wanted to try to find out where the whereabouts of Axel and the others, but from a distance, several wendigo figures were coming closer to the two of us.