Werewolf Demons (II)

It was already getting dark, and they were ready to stand guard around Nicholas' house. Emily and Daniel have also made a shield to protect Nicholas' house.

Because Nicholas's condition was still uncertain, they were worried. Until now, Nicholas and Frans have not regained consciousness after being treated by Lukas since this afternoon.

"Any news on how Nicholas is?" Richard asked while looking behind him; He asked London that question.

London had been in and out several times to check on Nicholas.

London shook his head, indicating that Nicholas's news was still the same as before. Lukas is trying his best to be able to heal Nicholas, but Nicholas is currently in a big question mark.

Laura pensively saw her son unconscious in the living room; she was currently with Lukas observing his son.

Laura only accompanies Lukas because Brandon is joining the vigil outside Nicholas' house.