The Beginning Of The Story

Author's Note: Alright, I will continue the story of Nicholas and London when they are married because you, my loyal readers, are so excited about this story.

I'm also improving my writing with my grammar, from the first chapter to the 283rd chapter.

But I can't promise to upload every day, but I will promise if I will definitely upload the continuation of the story of Nicholas and London.

I hope this pleases you.

Join my Discord Channel to discuss this story.


This story starts after Nicholas and London's wedding; you will surely understand if you read the last chapter. This is the story of a year before Nicholas and London had a Son named Leon Nelson.

If you want to read the story of their son, you can search for the novel with the title: 

You're My Mate (BL)


#One Year Before, After Nicholas And London, Were Married.
