Chapter 33

#Chapter 33 Her decision was made.

Arthur returned after Blade and Rex had returned, but by then, she had already heard that there would be werewolves coming from other packs to help support Silver Armor’s patrol routes.

The thought made her nervous. She’d only met the werewolves who had chased them to the waterfall and the members of the Silver Armor pack. Would these people be nice or would they be horrible? Would they get along?

Would they piss Arthur off and make him lose control?

Her worries kept her awake late into the night. She tried to distract herself with work at the infirmary, but it didn’t work.

The day they were supposed to arrive, Daphne had slept in late. She woke up just before they were arriving and hurried to get ready and see them, stumbling into her clothes and cramming breakfast into her mouth as she left.