Chapter 71

#Chapter 71 Castle

Daphne remained silent as they rode through the canyon into the vampire's territory. Her stomach churned more and more as the distance between them increased. The bond felt like it was vibrating at the back of her mind with Arthur's worry, but she had to be strong.

If she panicked, the plan would be for nothing.

"What's that sound?"

Daphne turned to where Mamie was looking out the window and leaned to see. They were still within the canyon, but Daphne had no idea what she was hearing.

"Cheering," one of the women said with a little sneer. "The vampire queen comes."

Daphne pursed her lips, "I don't appreciate your tone."

"And I don't appreciate your existence. We all have problems."

Mamie growled, "Knock it off. You will speak to her with respect."

She glowered at her and rolled her eyes, "We're only here because we were ordered to come. "

Daphne swallowed and looked at them, irritated about their flippant disrespect.