Chapter 73

#Chapter 73. Eternal Sleep

Daphne made it back to her chambers and sat on the couch, hoping she wouldn't ever end up alone with John again. She shuddered at the covetous look in his eyes. How could he think that he was charming when telling her she reminded him of her mother?

A knock sounded on the door that connected her suite to Mamie's. She leaped from the couch and opened the door. Mamie looked at her and hummed.

"Pink is a rather nice color on you."

Daphne laughed, "Thanks..."

Mamie sat with her, "So what happened?"

"They're not like Tom and the alphas at all," she frowned. "They don't want a queen because they can't agree to get along... They want a queen for some sort of connection to the moon goddess."

Mamie frowned, "But... they're vampires. I've always been told that werewolves were the moon goddess' creations."

Daphne shook her head thinking about the tapestry in the library.