Chapter 89

#Chapter 89 Enemy of My Enemy

Nicole closed the door behind them with a soft click. Relief blossomed in her heart. The blood bond had failed. They may have some connection, but it was weak and likely destroyed by Daphne’s show of aggression.

At least, that was one less thing she had to worry about.

“You need more rest,” Nicole said, as Daphne turned pale and stumbled. She guided Daphne down the hallway towards the queen’s wings with quiet steps.

Daphne’s eyes darted around the halls, chasing every stray sound and echo like a newly turned vampire. She was quite impressed that Daphne was accessing her powers so quickly. There was a chance she could be trained to wield her magic with precision soon, but Nicole would have to wait until she was feeling better to test that theory.

“I’m sorry,” Daphne whispered like a secret. “I… shouldn’t have reacted so harshly.”

Nicole shook her head. She certainly had not lost any of her endearing sweetness with the change.