Chapter 39

#Chapter 39 The Fear


Thankfully, Lorenzo was very understanding about my need to see Aurora.

I went back to the market every day in hopes of seeing her and Sofia kept me updated throughout her pregnancy.

The two of them must have similar due dates because every single appointment that Sofia has Aurora is also there.

Aurora has gotten bigger and it’s now obvious that she’s pregnant. But she is glowing and absolutely beautiful, I just wish it was my child inside of her.

I watch her from afar, I try not to approach her too much because I don’t want her to think I’m stalking her, but I need to look out for her safety.

It’s been four months since I met her, but something about her today is different. I watch as she tries to pick produce, but she keeps swaying like she’s lightheaded. She stumbles once and I rush over to her side and help steady her. I say, “Whoa, are you okay?”

She looks dazed as her eyes roam over me. She says, “It’s Mateo, right?”